Thursday, February 01, 2007

Tagged by the Cap'n

So I've been tagged and need to come up with 10 things people probably don't know about me. This will be hard because I am well known for telling just about everything especially embarrassing things about myself. But, here goes.

1. I used to bite my toenails. Gross, yes, but also true. Thanks Sis for reminding me.

2. I once tried to pick my teeth with a clean bra. It wouldn't have been so bad but my niece's fiance was there meeting us for the first time and he witnessed it. Sister-in-law Toni just about lost it on that one. Oh yeah, and he is no longer in the family, but I don't think that had anything to do with it.

3. When I was little before we moved to Wyandotte, I was bashful and hid behind my mother anytime someone tried to talk to me. 3rd grade and Wyandotte changed that forever.

4. I once stayed out all night with a group of college friends and slept in a cave after visiting a nightclub in Pittsburg, KS. My parents never knew. This was my Freshman year before I started dancing or drinking and there was no hanky panky either!!!!!

5. My cousin and I decorated my room with pictures of beautiful women dressed in beautiful gowns that we found in some magazines. At the bottom was this word Modess that we thought sounded romantic. This is when my mother decided she needed to have the "talk" with me. Modess was the name of a feminine protection item back in the 50's and 60's.

6. I once cried when a guy broke up with me, not because he broke up with me but because he beat me to the punch. I had it all planned out how I was going to break it to him gently and wham, he broke it to me gently. I couldn't very well say "Wait a minute me first!" so I cried.

7. I will talk to you on the phone forever if you call me but I seldom if ever call anyone to just talk.

8. I hate confrontations. I don't back down if confronted but I am not one to confront others. I talk a good fight but I don't like to actually have them.

9. After I had my cerebral hemorrhage, the only two things that were affected were my eye sight and my memory. There are parts of my past that I just don't remember.

10. I also had a near death experience when I had my cerebral hemorrhage. I was floating above the room and could see myself lying there. People were yelling, "code blue" and I couldn't figure out what all of the fuss was about. I felt very calm and not frightened at all. I didn't remember this until the Cap'n was in the hospital when he was 9 months old. I was awakened in the night by nurses and doctors yelling "code blue" and running down the halls.

So there you have it. I am sure there are many more damaging things that I could tell about myself but even I know how to keep some things to myself.


Blogger Stacie said...

I have a completely unrelated question. Since you are the only English teacher I know, I'll ask you. What is APA style? I have to write a research paper in APA style and I don't even know what it is. The good thing is, I know someone who can help me. Shael's youth pastor is excellent at writing such papers and has helped others in my situation. But, I'd still like to know what it is I'm going to be going to him for help with. I don't want to seem like a total moron. Just a partial one. Send me an email at if you will, please. Thanks!

7:13 AM  
Blogger Mrs. E said...


APA is used for scientific papers while MLA is used for English and social sciences. They will have books at the bookstore or you can go online and usually find information to help you.

7:46 PM  
Blogger Stacie said...

Yep, I've done a little research for my research. There is so much info out there that I was a little overwhelmed. Finally, I found what I was looking for. I've done forgotten it now (LOL) but I think it was something like "American Psychology Association" or APA. I DO know that the P was for Psychology. Or was it psychological? Oooo, writing this paper is going to be fun, isn't it? Seeing that I will be the proud owner of a teenager in a scant six months, I chose the teen sexuality topic for my paper. One word here: YIKES.

12:29 PM  

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