Sunday, October 22, 2006

It Sure Was Fun While It Lasted

Fall break is over. I get to get up early tomorrow and start back to school. My brain is rested. My body is rested. In other words, I did next to nothing for the past 4 days. I had such great plans. I always do. I seldom if ever get anything accomplished. However, I am a great planner of things to do. I used to make lists and cross things off as I finished them. I actually used to get to cross things off. I discovered as of late that I make the list, then don't get to mark off much. I stopped making lists. I see now that I still need to make lists. At least that way I can mark of a few things and feel better about my time off. We are so tuned to having to accomplish stuff that we feel lazy, unproductive, and downright sinful when we sleep in, put off projects and generally just do what we feel like doing.

D's Grandma would talk about how lazy she was. This woman washed all of her clothes by hand, worked like a man most of her 87 years, and took care of all of her own business up until the end. It's people like her that make the rest of us feel so guilty for not getting more done. Frankly, I enjoyed sleeping, watching TV, talking with Hubby D, visiting on the phone with Cap'n N, my sis and my bro, and doing as little as was possible over the past 4 days. I know I will pay for it tomorrow when the alarm goes off and I get to hit the floor running(slowly walking), but heck I am old enough to decide for myself how to use my time and that's what I did. The dishes, laundry, and cooking were taken care of so I wasn't completely useless. The rest of it will still be there for me to do when I get around to it. I'm thinking that might have to be sooner than later. Oh well, it will get done when it gets done. It is nice not having to answer to anyone butHubby D and me.
Maybe next week end will be the one.
Maybe we will both feel like getting things done.
Maybe our hearts will beat as one
Maybe we will make our work fun.
Maybe it's late and I must run.
Maybe this rhyming thing was fun?
or maybe not!!!!!


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