Saturday, October 21, 2006


Fall break came just in time. We used to count these days as school days so that the teachers had to go to Tulsa or OKC for a couple of days of "teachers' meetings" while the children got a break. Now they are just vacation days. I attended these meetings for a good many years and while some can be inspiring most aren't. We did get some "Fun Friday" worksheets about 20 years ago that I still use and my kids still love. However, since I am not inspired by inspirational speakers very often, the meetings aren't as valuable, rewarding or useful to me as they might be to some. My mother-in-law always loved her Spanish meetings, but then I am sure she was inspired. We're different like that.

Anyolewho, I am glad for the time off. We had planned to get lots of stuff done but Grandma Ann needed to go to the doctor and Hubby D is the good son who takes care of his mama. He took good care of my mama too. Dang he is good. Anyway, I started off Thursday by cleaning some, clearing out my closet some, and doing some laundry and dishes. I did manage to get some TV watching in there too. Since we have many new teachers who don't realize how hard we worked to get some benefits into our contract like not having to work the gate at ballgames, they voted to change some things as a compromise. Working at ball games was one of those things. Guess who got to work Thursday night? Guess who spent Friday trying to get rid of a sinus headache? Guess who would have been at the game anyway? I just hate going to a game and not being able to watch it. The view from the ticket booth is limited. However, we did sit on the track in our lawn chairs for the last quarter and I did get to do a little cheering(yelling). Oh well now it is Saturday and the headache is gone so maybe I can finish up on some of the things I started on Thursday.

I have papers to grade as usual. We just finished reading some Edgar Allen Poe and watching an old Stephen King movie, so I assigned my students the task of writing a Gothic story using figurative language. Some were excited about their stories while others were more apprehensive. One girl wrote about some kids from 1965 whose car broke down and their cell phones wouldn't work either. She is a sweet girl who is blonde and uses it to the best of her ability. From what some of my kids have said about their stories, I am looking forward to reading these papers. I will be amused, frustrated, and amazed as I read them. But mainly I will be proud of those who tried. I just hope some of them figured out how to incorporate smilies, metaphors, hyperboles and personifications into their stories. An English teacher can always dream!!!!!

While I was working the ballgame and Hubby D was at home trying to get rid of his headache, a miracle of sorts occurred. Snitzel Fritz(the cat) jumped up on Hubby D and actually slept on D's chest for 45 minutes. This cat does not jump up on people. This cat likes to be petted with feet more than with hands. This cat likes to be in the same room with you but does not want to be cuddled. This cat hides when we have company. This cat is atypical. Now that I think of it, he did let me hold him for awhile last Sunday morning. It has only taken 3 years. Who knows what the next 3 will bring!!!!! He is a strange cat but then we always do manage to get the strange ones. Some day I will write about Itty Bitty Pretty Kitty and our 20 years with him. Now he was a real sweetheart. Snitz and Bitty-------opposites for sure.

Hubby D is up and I need to get my "D" time before he heads off to work so I will stop my ramblings and go do some snuggling. My life is soooooooooooo good.


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