You Know That Time Flying Thing?
I remember hearing "ADULTS" making comments about time going by so fast. I didn't put much stock into their comments because let's face it, they were OLD!!!!! Time has been zooming along my freeway of life here lately. Does this mean I am old or an adult? I always told Cap'n N that I might grow old but that I was never growing up. I do believe I have managed to stay true to that philosophy quite well. I guess I am just now getting the full effect of time moving at an ever increasing rate. Okay, so maybe for the past few years I have been getting the full effect. Heck, with time flying so fast who really knows when I lost my "sense of time virginity"? What I do know is that time has stopped marching on and now is wearing NIKE's and running at break neck speed. (Yes, I have been teaching figurative language over the last few days. My students would be astounded to know that what I teach might actually come in handy some day).
As I think of all those darling 14-18 year olds that I deal with on a regular basis, who have no clue whatsoever of their impending fate, I get a warm fuzzy feeling. I tell them, I warn them, I chastise them, I encourage them, I implore them, and I try to prepare them. I just have a hard time accepting the fact that they don't listen to my words of wisdom any more than I listened to those who tried to enlighten me back in the day. Experience is the real teacher. However, my hope is that maybe my words will come back to help them extricate themselves from some impending doom or disaster someday. Or, maybe I'll spark their ambitions so they will live up to their potential. Maybe I have had or will have at least a little impact on some of them so that their lives can be better and their experiences not so tough. Maybe this is why I am still at it in the classroom.
I see a teachers pay check monthly, your not in it for the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
As one of your former students, I can assure you that you are making an impact. I have pondered more than once the fact that the three most influential (and favorite) teachers in my life were my three English teachers - Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sharbutt and you. What you are doing makes a difference, trust me. But yes, life is definitely a real teacher. There are things that adults tried to tell me back when I was a kid that just rolled off of me like water off a duck, but then in the here and now something happens and that lightbulb comes on and I think,"Ohhhh, so that's what they were talking about!"
And man, for my mother to have been so dumb when I was a kid, she's sure intelligent now.
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