Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Liars-----Liars are cheaters and cheaters are liars.

Each day in my classes during the first 5 minutes, we try to do something uplifting, something to help develop a sense of pride/self worth or give some moral guidance. In the past we have done a quote, and I have had them write their own creed for each hour. The creed thing was getting old and more often than not they were not writing inspirational creeds. Their creeds were "Hey, let's do as little as possible, pass, and get on with it." Not exactly words to live by. This year I decided to start each day with a quote and a class cheer. Students are given different jobs such as door greeter, menu/daily bulletin reader, and leader of the quote. Each day the jobs change, and each week the people change. It gives each student the opportunity to get up in front of the class and take on a job of leadership. It also helps them learn that no matter how much they dislike getting up in front of people, they won't die from it. I always promise that if they do die I will do my best to get them into the Guinness Book of World Records.

If you read last week's blog, you got to hear about my liar. The guilty party did confess but it was really weak. Apologies or confessions which are buried in the middle of excuses just don't cut it. I should add that this young man is not the only liar that I deal with on a daily basis.
After my dealings with the "liar" last week, I decided to use a quote of my own this week. I have them repeat after me, "I will.. take full responsibility.. for any and all.. of my actions. If I expect to be treated as an adult,.. I must act like one." I have added little extras on a daily basis. Today we added "Lying is a naughty no-no". By Friday I am hoping to have at least made a dent. The culprit has looked mighty sheepish while reciting these words.

After all of the lying about my pencils, I had a student lie to me yesterday about something else. We had even recited the quote. They heard and recited the words. However, some of the students are so used to lying that they don't always seem to know truth from fiction. He lied knowing he was lying and knowing that we all knew he was lying. I called him on it and he confessed fairly easily but then here came the excuses.

My next project is to try to get them to understand or realize that cheating is wrong. I give assignments where students are to read and paraphrase certain material; you know write it in their own words. I have gotten papers that are paraphrased word for word, using the same misspelled words and wrong punctuation marks. I tell them that if they are going to use someone else's answers, they should at least read the answers, then try to put those words into their own words, and at least make their own grammar and punctuation errors. They even copy answers that have not been completed. HELLO!!!!! I am old not stupid. Any suggestions that don't involve torture, maiming, etc. would be gladly accepted. Love Mrs. E


Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Well I had several suggestions until I finished the sentence and realized I couldn't use any torture......

11:00 AM  

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