Monday, August 28, 2006

How can they do that to Pluto?

My students are upset. They memorized the planets in grade school. Pluto is their favorite planet , and now some astronomers are saying Pluto isn't a planet. How can they do this? Why this new planet has numbers, not a nice reasonable name like Earth or Venus or Uranus. What is up with that?

I read an article that said that only a small fraction of the astronomers were even there for the vote. It seems they had a huge convention and most attendees headed home early to beat the rush. They didn't know what was in the works. But how could they? Who would have thought that those renegade astronomers would push through this travesty depriving Pluto of its status as a planet!!!!! Well, I think we should demand a recount. Maybe a certain number of astronomers need to be present before a vote is taken. Maybe there should be a cause like "Save Pluto's Status as a Planet." Nice alliteration there. Maybe not as catchy as it should be but give me awhile. I know I can come up with something as good as "I Like Ike" or "fifty-four forty or fight."

Anyway, this did get my student's attention and that takes some doing. They are already set in their ways and they are only 16-18 years old. What will they do when they get to be real adults? The future is bright? Yes, yes it is. They will grow up just as we did and accept many things that are just too painful to accept at their age. Hey, some of those things are hard to accept at my age, but I have grown accustomed to the fact that one of the only things we can actually count on is change. Every year new students come into my life as do new staff and parents. Policies change. Classes change. Administrators change. Life goes on and we go on and change with it; otherwise, chaos would ensue. I don't like change much myself, but hey, without change we wouldn't have air conditioning and all those modern conveniences I never want to be without again. I guess I do like change.

At least it is Pluto and not Uranus. My students would have had a field day with that one, and I would have been hard pressed not to join in. Heck, I would have started it. There is just something satisfying in sophomoric humor sometimes.

Long Live Pluto!!!!!


Blogger Carmel said...

Pluto will always be a planet to me.

What next? Saturn doesn't really have rings?

7:23 AM  
Blogger Redneck Diva said...

LMAO, Sally!!! I don't even remember what my original comment was now because I've been laughing too hard at your comment!

So far my elementary school kids haven't come home mentioning that Pluto's been ousted. This changes everything, though!!

"My Very Educated Mother Just Sat Upon Nine [series of numbers]"? I THINK NOT!!

2:02 PM  

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