Saturday, August 19, 2006

My quandary

My quandary you might ask? Well, I'm thinking maybe it is quandaries.

For one, this is Hubby D's weekend off. Next Tuesday is my birthday. He isn't off on my birthday. The plan was to celebrate this week end. My quandary? I am pretty well all pooped out after a full week of entertaining/teaching. I don't want to bathe, comb my hair, put on makeup or get fully dressed.

My other quandary is that there is not much in the house to eat and Hubby D doesn't cook anyway. Nope not even for his Honey's birthday. I shan't complain too much because dag-nab-it he does clean, do dishes, and sometimes does the laundry plus he doesn't complain when I don't do the cleaning, dishes or laundry. Cooking is minor. We can always call out for pizza.
The other thing is that we have no movies to watch and there is nothing on TV. Somebody may have to leave the house.

Another quandary is that I do need to go to a book store and see if they have a Dummies book for creative writing and speech. My students are not dummies but those books usually have some dang good ideas in them. Hey! I bought myself one on Shakespeare even though I had been teaching his stuff for years. It never hurts to get a new perspective on things. I have no curriculum or books for either creative writing or speech so I am on my own. We have made it through a week and two days just fine. However, now that my class of 8 has grown to 21 with several sophomore boys who have not matured much from when I had them as 8th graders a few years ago, I'm thinking I need lots of good ideas. Lots and Lots and Lots of good ideas would be good. I have tried looking on the internet but there is soooooo much to go through and I am not much of an internet browser.

As I sit here writing this, I don't see any solutions in sight that I am particularly fond of. Okay the pizza would be good. Maybe I will just go call out for some and see where it goes from there. There is always tomorrow. We can go to town tomorrow. I will feel refreshed tomorrow. I will have had a day of rest and some pizza.

Ah!!! The solution to a couple of my quandaries!!! Pizza and Tomorrow!!!! This blogging thing is good. Yes!!! I have a plan!!! Maybe not a good plan but at least it is a plan!!!


Blogger Redneck Diva said...

Tater stopped at the Wonder Bread store for me on the way home from work tonight. That box of HoHos is better than any anti-depressant. Pizza can be healing as well. Self-medicating is so much cheaper - $2.50 box of HoHos compared to $75 scrip for Prozac. Oh yeah, I'm going with the chocolate.

4:50 PM  

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