Maudlin Me
Wrong!!! My toe felt a little funny. Matter of fact, it felt wet so I stumbled into the bathroom to investigate. My toe was bleeding profusely. Poor Hubby D had to be summoned immediately. I don't do blood. The Hubby doesn't wake up very quickly nor do his eyes adjust well to light at first. I sat there on the throne with my bleeding toe trying to be patient(me not the toe). BUT, my life's blood was draining at a rapid pace. He took one look and started getting the supplies out to bandage the mess. We moved to the dining table where the light was better. Not a good idea for me. My toe, the this little piggy had none one, was split from the top down through the nail.
Upon further examination, the Hubby figured that had it been anywhere else I probably could have had a stitch. But a stitch in the toenail. I think not. He cleaned me up and bandaged my toe. He really is a good nurse. He is so gentle and tender. Then, he told me that I needed to stay off of it for the day or it would keep bleeding.
I was not prepared to miss school. My desk was a chaotic mess which is normal, but this time, if I remembered right, it was worse than usual. Oh well, I guess some things can't be helped. I stayed home and kept my foot up. I bumped it once and made it bleed. If I had gone to school, I am sure I would have made it worse. Now, I have to venture down to Wyandotte to get my students' work graded and figure eligibility.
Today, the good Hubby cleaned my little piggy up and re-bandaged it. I think I am going to live but I will now have an ugly toenail for the rest of my life. I wouldn't mind but I am a sandals kind of a gal and I hate to look at really ugly toes. I am now going to have to look at an ugly toe on my own body for the rest of my life.
Poor Poor Pitiful Me!!!!!